ゲストの皆様が口を揃えて「情熱的」と仰るほど何事にもまっすぐな新郎様。いつも明るくパワフルで一緒にいると元気をもらえるような新婦様。 ひとつのことに対して納得のいくまでお二人でじっくり話し合いを重ね、これまでに様々なことを一緒に乗り越えてきたお二人は、月日を重ねることで、互いに「この人といると自分らしくいられる。」と感じ、この先の人生を一緒に歩みたいと想ったそうです。 「家族になる。とは何か」 結婚を機に、こんな問いが生まれたことがきっかけとなり、MAYAにたどり着いたと話してくれたお二人は、結婚の日を通して、一人一人と向き合う時間をたいせつにしたいと仰ってくれました。
結婚の日 1日目。
たいせつな両家のご家族をお迎えし、お庭には炭を使った焼き台やテーブル、椅子を並べて、BBQを。食材をカットすることからはじまったご準備の時間には、お母様と一緒にキッチンに並ぶ新婦様の姿がありました。 「変わっていないのね。」 昔から椎茸が苦手な娘へ、クスッと笑いながら話すお母様。 離れて暮らすようになり、久しぶりにキッチンに並んだ親子の姿は、私たちスタッフまで心がじんわりする瞬間でした。 BBQは夕暮れ時から夜まで和やかに時間が流れ、ハレの日を迎える前日に、新たな家族との団欒の時間が生まれておりました。
結婚の日 2日目。
皆様で朝食を召し上がった後には、新婦様はお支度へ迎い、新郎様はダイニングでご披露宴のご準備を行います。ご家族も手伝ってくださり、みんなで完成させたゲストを迎えるダイニング。両家のご家族が一致団結して準備をされていたこの時間は、一つ屋根の下で過ごした1日目の時間があったからこそだと感じました。 そして迎えた挙式。ハレの日には、本当にたいせつに想う人たちだけに見守ってもらいたい。そんな想いから、ご招待をされたゲスト38名。 自分たちがどんな人であるのか、どんな相手と夫婦になるのか、そんなことを知ってもらいたい。とお庭に飾られたボードには、事前にゲストの皆様から集めた新郎様と新婦様を一言で現す言葉が並べられていました。 昔からお二人で行っていたという交換日記。 この日に向けてお互いへお手紙を綴っていたお二人はたいせつなゲストの皆様に見守られながら、ご自身の想いを伝えられました。 そして賑やかにはじまった披露宴。 お仕事で出逢われたお二人をよく知るたいせつな方々から心あたたまるメッセージを頂いたり、ゲスト一人一人に感謝を伝えながらお酒を片手に過ごすお二人の姿。 私たちスタッフも見ていてほっこりする瞬間がたくさん生まれた日でした。
結婚の日 3日目。
お天気に恵まれた前日とは変わり、大粒の雨が降り頻る日でした。 お庭を眺め、ハレの日の想い出を語り合うお二人と新婦お母様。 雨の日のMAYAもまた素敵な時間が生まれるのだと気付かされた瞬間でした。 「どんな未来も、自分達らしく生きていこう。」 お二人の結婚の日を振り返るとこの言葉が浮かびます。 何事にもまっすぐで素直に想いを伝えてくださるお二人。 そんなお二人が家族になる場所として、このMAYAを選んでくださったことが何よりも幸せです。
A Day You Can Celebrate Your Own Way
The groom was so straight and upfront with everything that all the guests referred to him as “passionate”. The bride was always cheerful, full of strength, and energizing to be with. The couple discussed each issue carefully until they were satisfied with each other’s decision. Having overcome many things together, they felt that they could be themselves with each other and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. “Becoming a family. What does that mean?” The couple, who told us that they came to MAYA because these questions came up when they thought of getting married, said that they wanted to cherish the time they spent with each other through their wedding day.
Wedding Day One
The couple welcomed their precious families and had a BBQ in the yard with a charcoal grill, tables, and chairs. The bride and groom lined up in the kitchen with their mothers during the preparation time, which started with cutting the food. “You haven’t changed.” The mother chuckled to her daughter, who always disliked shiitake mushrooms. It was a heartwarming moment for us staff members to see the father and daughter together in the kitchen for the first time in a long time, since they moved away from each other. The BBQ was spent harmoniously from dusk to night, creating time for the new family to come together on the day before the auspicious occasion.
Wedding Day Two
After everyone has enjoyed their breakfast, the bride is welcomed to prepare for her wedding, while the groom prepares for the reception in the dining room. The family members also help to welcome the guests in the dining room, which they all prepared together. I felt that this time, in which both families were united through the preparations they had made, was only possible because of the time they had all spent under one roof the previous day. Then came the wedding ceremony. Feeling like they only wanted to be surrounded by those people they cherished most on this auspicious occasion, the couple only invited 38 guests. They wanted the guests to know what kind of people they are and what kind of person they would marry. Thus, the board displayed in the garden was filled with one-word descriptions of the bride and groom, which had been collected from guests in advance. The couple had written an exchange diary, which they had kept for a long time. They had been writing letters to each other in preparation for this day and, as their precious guests looked on, they shared their thoughts and feelings. The reception then began in a lively atmosphere. The couple received heartwarming messages from people who knew them well through their work, and spent time with drinks in their hands, expressing their gratitude to each guest. It was a day that brought many warm and happy moments to us staff members as well.
Wedding Day Three
The weather had changed from the previous day, during which the couple had been blessed with blue skies, into frequent heavy rain. The two newlyweds and the bride’s mother looked out over the garden, reminiscing about their happy day. It was a moment that made us realize that MAYA on a rainy day can also be a source of wonderful moments. “Whatever the future holds, let’s live it as ourselves.” These words come to mind when I look back on their wedding day. Both of them are straightforward and honest in everything they do. I am more than happy that they chose MAYA as the place to become a family.
2023年 秋