Y&M | MAYA結婚の日 公式サイト



「演出的ではなく、自然体でありたい」 新郎様がMAYAを選んだ理由として残してくれたこの言葉。 お二人の結婚の日はいつもこの言葉が根底にあったような気がします。 どんなときでも穏やかな表情で心温かな新郎様。いつも周りへの心配りを忘れない奥ゆかしさのある新婦様。 趣味の山登りやお酒がお好きなところなど、一緒に楽しめることが多いお二人は、結婚式に対しても同じ想いをお持ちで、このMAYAでの「結婚の日」を選んでくださいました。 1日目の夜。 両家のご家族が集い、旬のお魚や鎌倉野菜、お肉など、MAYAからご用意させて頂いた食材でBBQを行いました。新郎様の甥っ子さんも広々としたMAYAのダイニングを駆け回り、賑やかな夕食の時間が流れます。食事の時間を楽しんだ後には、大きなお風呂にゆったりと浸かり、眠りにつくまでの時間にはお布団の上で自由におしゃべりをしながら過ごされました。


一生に一度のたいせつな日だからこそ、家族と友人、それぞれの時間を大事に過ごしたい。そんな想いから、ご親族様とはご両家のお顔をしっかりと見ながらお話ができる着席フルコースでの「ご披露宴」。ご友人様には初めてお会いする人同士も気兼ねなく過ごしていただける様、お料理をブッフェ形式でご提供する立食スタイルのカジュアルパーティーを選ばれました。 ご親族様とのご披露宴では、新郎新婦のお二人からご両家のご紹介を行い、幼少期の頃から現在に至るまでのお写真を集めて、お二人が一生懸命作られた想い出のムービーを上映。ご家族の皆様は思わず、当時の想い出話に花が咲きます。結びには、ご自身の親御様へ感謝のお気持ちをお手紙で伝えられ、お二人の共通の趣味である山登りに使う「熊鈴」のプレゼント。お二人らしい贈り物に全員がほっこりした瞬間でした。 続いて迎えたご友人とのカジュアルパーティー。 MAYAでご用意しているブッフェ形式の「祝卓」を皆様に振る舞い、お二人も自由にご友人との会話を楽しまれておりました。パーティーも盛り上がってきたころ、はじまったケーキセレモニー。お二人がご用意されたウェディングケーキが登場し、ゲストの皆様も楽しそうにご覧いただきます。共同作業としてのケーキ入刀をされたあとには、お二人それぞれがたいせつなご友人様をサプライズでお呼びし行った「サンクスバイト」。日頃の感謝をお二人の言葉でお伝え頂き、「ありがとう」の想い を込めてケーキを召し上がっていただきました。

「自然体でありたい。」 まさにお二人の結婚の日は、特別だけれど普段と変わらない自然なお二人の姿が見れたような気がします。

A special day to be “our natural selves.”

Two years had passed since their registration. Although they had the option of not having a wedding ceremony, when they first visited MAYA, they felt the warmth that had been cherished in the 90-year-old bui”I want to act naturally, not put on a show.” The groom left us with these words as his reason for choosing Maya. It seems this statement has always been the foundation of a wedding. He was a heartwarming groom with a consistently calm expression. She was a bride with grace, always attentive to those around her. The couple, who enjoyed and shared many hobbies like mountain climbing and drinking, had the same feelings toward their wedding, and thus chose the “Wedding Day” at MAYA. It was the evening of the first day. The families on both sides gathered for a barbecue with dishes prepared by MAYA using seasonal fish, Kamakura vegetables, meat, and other ingredients. The groom’s nephew also scampered around MAYA’s spacious dining room, as a lively evening unfolded with dinner. After enjoying the meal, everyone relaxed in the large bath and spent time chatting freely on their futons until it was time for sleep.

It turned out sunny on day two. Because a wedding is such a special, once-in-a-lifetime day, they want to cherish the time and spend it with both family and friends. With this in mind, we offer a seated, full-course reception where the couple can talk with relatives while facing both families. To make it easier for new friends to meet each other, we chose to provide a more casual, buffet-style dinner party. At the reception with relatives, we introduced the families of the bride and groom, and screened a movie featuring memories and photos collected from childhood to the present that the couple worked hard to produce. Flowers blossomed as their family members naturally found themselves reminiscing of those times. At the end of the reception, the two expressed gratitude to their parents in a letter and received a gift of a “bear bell,” used in their common hobby of mountain climbing. At that moment everyone smiled at such a perfectly fitting gift for this couple. This was followed by a casual party with friends. A buffet-style “congratulatory table” prepared by MAYA was presented to everyone, and the newlyweds enjoyed chatting freely with their friends. When the party was in full swing, it was time to start the cake ceremony. A wedding cake prepared by the couple was revealed, and the guests enjoyed viewing it. After they cut the cake together as a collaborative gesture, the bride and groom each called their beloved friends up for a surprise “thanks bite” as a gesture of “thanks” conveying the couple’s everyday gratitude, and their friends each took a bite. “I want to be my natural self.”

This couple’s wedding day was very special, but it seemed the couple appeared no different from their ordinary selves.


2023年 秋

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