U&Y | MAYA結婚の日 公式サイト



色んなご縁が重なって出逢われたお二人は いつも楽しそうで、とても仲の良いご夫婦でした。 「結婚の日」は、ご両家が家族になる日。 夫婦として改めて歩んでゆく日。 「これから共に過ごしていく中で、道に迷ったり、壁にぶつかったり、辛いことがあっても、 結婚の日を思い出して、”また一緒に歩んでいける日”になるように。」そんな想いを持って迎えた3日間は、穏やかな陽気に包まれていました。

結婚の日 1日目。

たくさんの荷物を車に積んで、遠方からいらっしゃったお二人。 どんなお話をしたのかも覚えていないくらい、 MAYAへ来るまでの道のりは、 「日常の会話が絶えなかったです。」と いつも通りの仲睦まじい雰囲気で迎えたチェックインでした。 夕刻にお互いの親御様やご兄弟、ご家族の皆さまがお揃いになり、ハレの日前日の夕食は、あたたかいお鍋を囲みました。 「乾杯!」と新郎さんが音頭をとり、 ご両家のご家族の皆さまで夕食を召し上がる様子は、宿ではなく家の夕食の風景そのものでした。

結婚の日 2日目。

朝食は少し早めに召し上がり、 写真撮影のお時間では、鎌倉の風情を感じられるようにと、近くのお寺や材木座海岸でもお写真を撮りに行かれました。 たくさんのゲストを招いたお二人は、 家族を招いた披露宴と友人を招いた披露宴と2回行いました。 まずは家族や親族だけが集った披露宴。 これまでたいせつに育ててくれた家族や親戚、小さい頃から一緒に過ごしてきた従兄弟を呼んで、顔合わせのようなお食事会を過ごされていました。 お二人が、皆さまの席をゆっくりと回り、一人一人の目を見て「今日は来てくれてありがとう。」とお話しをし、ご家族の方が「おめでとう。」と笑顔で答える様子は、胸にグッとこみあげてくるものがありました。 2部目は、学生時代からの仲の良いご友人を集めた披露宴。 来てくれたゲストの皆さまをお二人からご紹介したり、ご友人に乾杯やスピーチをお願いしたりとお二人のこれまでを知ることができて、 ゲストの皆さまが楽しそうに過ごされていたのが印象的です。 またゲストの方に「楽しんでもらいたい!」とお二人が考えたクイズ大会は、大盛り上がりでした。 音楽や映像、司会進行までお二人がこだわって準備をされたからこそ、 ダイニングにいらっしゃるご友人同士も垣根なく和気あいあいとした雰囲気が見受けられました。

結婚の日 3日目。

朝から天気も良く穏やかな朝となりました。 3日目もご両家のご家族揃っての朝ごはん。 前日のハレの日のお話をしたり、お料理のお話をしたりと賑やかな食卓で、皆さま完食してくださいました。   チェックアウトの際、お二人が「色々こだわりがあったけど、やりたいようにできてとても楽しかった。」「友人や家族も喜んでいて、ご飯も美味しかった。」とお話をしてくださったのは、とても嬉しくて、私たちも昨日のことのようにお二人が過ごした結婚の日を思い出します。  お二人がたいせつにしたいと想いを込めた3日間は、ご家族やご友人の心にも残るきっと忘れられない日になったと思います。

Three days full of heart and soul.

They were a couple that fortune had brought together, a couple who were very close and always enjoyed themselves. A wedding day is the day when two families become one. The day when two people start to walk together as a couple. “In our future life together, even if we get lost, hit a wall, or face adversity, we will recall our wedding day and make this another day that we can walk together.” The couple came with this thought in mind, and spent three days that were filled with peacefulness and good cheer.

The Day 1.

The couple came from far away with luggage heaped in their car. Checking in with their usual warm camaraderie, they said that their journey to MAYA was so full of everyday conversation that they couldn’t even remember what they had talked about. In the evening, their parents, siblings, and other family members gathered around a warm hot pot for dinner on the eve of the big day. The groom proposed a toast, and the two families ate together just as if they were dining at home rather than at a hotel.

The Day 2.

Finishing breakfast a little early, the couple went to have their photos taken at a local temple and at Zaimokuza Beach, so that the atmosphere of Kamakura could be felt. The couple had invited many guests so they held two receptions, one for family and one for friends. First was the reception for only close family and relatives. The couple invited their family and relatives, the people who had brought them up with such care, and the cousins who had grown up with them, and had a dinner party that was like a family get together. Going slowly around the table, the pair looked each person in the eye and thanked them for coming. In response, their family members smiled and congratulated them. It was incredibly moving. Second was the reception for the close friends since school days. The couple introduced their guests and asked some of their friends to propose toasts and make speeches, from which we learned a lot about their past. It was impressive to see how much fun the guests were having. Wishing their guests to enjoy themselves, the couple had also arranged a quiz contest, which was a huge hit. It was their careful preparation of the music, videos, and the MC that allowed all their friends in the room to share such a relaxed and convivial atmosphere.

The Day 3.

It was a peaceful morning with fine weather. Both families breakfasted together again on this third day. Through to the end of the meal, the table was alive with conversation about the previous day’s event, the food, and so on. When it came time to check out, the couple said, “There were many things that we were particular about, but it all went as we wanted and we really enjoyed ourselves. Our friends and family were also very happy, and the food was wonderful.” We were overjoyed to hear this, and will remember their wedding day as if it were yesterday. These three days, which the couple had put their heart and soul into, are sure to become an unforgettable time that will remain in the hearts of their families and friends.


2023年 冬

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