学生時代の部活動で出逢われたおふたりは いつも自然体で、やわらかい雰囲気のご夫婦でした。 「たいせつな人と一緒に過ごす時間が当たり前ではない。」と気がついたこの数年。 結婚の日は 「同じ空間で同じ時間を過ごすことをただただ たいせつにしたい。」 「夫婦としての門出をたいせつな方々に見守って欲しい。」そんな想いで、お二人のお家にご家族やご友人をお招きしました。
緩やかな気候にゆっくりとドライブしながらいらっしゃったお二人。 チェックイン後、明日に向けての準備を行い、お昼は近所のお蕎麦屋さんへお散歩がてらお出かけになりました。 夜は「ハレの日前日は”身体がホッとあたたまるお料理”にしよう」と夫婦で協力しながら準備を進め、 土鍋を使って豆乳鍋を召し上がっていました。
お二人が選ばれた結婚の日は、クリスマスシーズンの冬。 季節に合わせて大きなクリスマスツリーをご用意され、 ゲストの方一人一人に、オーナメントへメッセージを書いていただき、ツリーの飾り付けを手伝ってもらいました。 たいせつな皆様からの想いがこもったクリスマスツリーは、 挙式の際、宣誓台の横に並べられ、お二人もオーナメントへお名前をつづり、改めて家族として過ごしていくことを誓われました。 披露宴では、部活動で共に過ごした仲間へ司会をお願いしました。この日のためにたくさん考えられたご友人は、お二人を常に想った優しい言葉で、MAYAのダイニングをあたたかく包んでくれました。
白無垢からウェディングドレスにお色直しをした新婦さんは、何着も手直しをされ、愛情がたっぷり込められたお母様の手作りのドレスでした。 新婦さんが登場した時は、1番の歓声が沸きあがりました。 「ケーキをお互いに食べさせ合うところを見たい!」と昔から楽しみにしていたお姉様には、サプライズでサンクスバイトをして感謝の想いを伝えました。 家族ぐるみで長い付き合いがある方々をたくさん招かれた新郎さんは、幼馴染にスピーチを頼みました。 当日くすっと笑ってしまうようなハプニングがありながらも、兄弟のように過ごしてきたこれまでの時間に、第一声から涙を流されたのは印象的で、
見守っている私たちも心に沁みるものがありました。 披露宴を結び、 大きな拍手でお二人が退場した後のダイニング。 ゲストの皆様が「よかったね。」「素敵だったね。」と話しながら、席に座っまま涙を流されていました。 その姿を見届けていた私もお二人の顔を見た瞬間、思わず涙が止まらなかったのを覚えています。 溢れる大きな愛に満ちたハレの日でした。
「おはよう。」と言って新郎家、新婦家が揃っての朝ごはんは、お味噌汁やご飯をよそい合い、食卓を囲む1つの家族の時間でした。 朝食を召し上がり「お味噌汁の出汁が美味しい。」とお父様が出身地のうどんも出汁がたいせつであることをお話ししてくださったり、 MAYAの調理器具に関心を寄せていただき「色違いの土鍋を購入しました」とお話ししてくださったり、 親御様も間家を好きになってくれたご様子がとても嬉しかったです。 お昼もご両家揃ってご自身のお家のようにのんびりと過ごされていました。
A day touched by so much warmth.
The two of them, who met back in their school years during club activities, were always very natural and had a soft atmosphere about them. Over the past few years, it has become clear that, “Being able to spend time with the people dear to us is not something to take for granted.” “All we want is to cherish sharing the same time and the same space with those closest to us.” “I want those precious to us to watch over us as we start our new life together as husband and wife.” These are the thoughts they had in mind when inviting their friends and family into their home.
Day One
The couple enjoyed their leisurely drive here in the fine weather. After checking in, they prepared for tomorrow and went for a walk to a local soba noodle shop for lunch. In the evening, the couple worked together to prepare ‘a meal that warms the body’ for the day before the big day. They prepared and enjoyed a soy milk hot pot in an earthenware pot.
Day Two
The couple chose the winter Christmas season for their wedding day. A large Christmas tree fitting for winter was prepared, and each guest was asked to write a message on an ornament and help to decorate the tree. The Christmas tree was filled with the wishes of their loved ones, which was then placed next to the vow table during the ceremony. The couple wrote their own names on the ornaments and vowed to spend their lives together as a family. Reception was handled by some friends who we had spent time together with in club activities. Those friends, who had put a lot of thought into this day, filled MAYA’s dining room with their kind words dedicated to the couple. The bride changed from a traditional Japanese wedding outfit to a handmade wedding dress crafted with tender love and care by her very own mother. When the bride appeared on the stage, a great cheer of, “I want to see them feeding each other cake!” could be clearly heard from her sister, who had been looking forward to this for a long time. And much to her surprise, she was given a special “thank you bite” of the cake as an expression of gratitude. The groom, who invited many longtime family friends, asked his childhood friend to deliver a speech. Although there were some incidents that made everyone laugh throughout the day, it was moving to see him shed tears as he spoke about the time they had spent together like brothers. It was deeply heartwarming for all of us too who were watching over them. After the reception came to an end, and the couple were sent off with a huge applause, the guests were saying, “That was great!” and “That was wonderful!” as they sat in their seats and shed tears. I clearly remember those of us who witnessed this couldn’t stop crying when we saw their faces again. It was a fine day that was just overflowing with love.
Day Three
“Good morning.” The groom’s family and the bride’s family came together for breakfast, enjoying miso soup and rice with each other as one family sat around the dining table. During breakfast, the father expressed appreciation for the delicious miso soup broth and shared insights about the importance of dashi for udon in his hometown. He also showed interest in MAYA’s cooking utensils, mentioning the purchase of the same earthenware in a different color. It was delightful to see the parents genuinely embracing the homey atmosphere. Both families spent lunch together relaxing as if it were their own home. Even to this day, tears well up when reminiscing about the couple’s wedding day. Three wonderful days filled with countless heartfelt moments and such warmth.
2023年 冬
Photo: 佐々木 章裕